Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Family Resemblance

I was going through old photographs the other day. Not because I was organizing the photos (although I should have been) but because I often like to look back at past events and times in my life and in my families lives.

I came across a few photos that reminded me of two little guys in my life.

The two boys in the photos above are my older brothers, Adam and Eric. Although they are 22 months apart, they were often mistaken for fraternal twins during a period in their lives. Adam is the older one with light blond hair, and Eric the younger one with the slightly darker blond hair (although Eric is now a brunette). Adam was always bigger than Eric but eventually Eric caught up and surpassed him. Hudson is the bigger blond and Brayden the smaller brunette (just like Eric and Adam), although so far Brayden hasn't caught up in weight or height...and his hair is lightening. But maybe someday.

The first photo above is what struck a cord with me the most. Eric is smiling with his mouth open (just how Brayden smiles) and Adam is smiling with all his teeth showing (just how Hudson smiles).

I don't know how my parents were able to get good photos of them standing side-by-side. I have trouble. I was trying to find a photo of Hudson and Brayden in similar poses to compare but I was unsuccessful. So here is a recent (about 3 days ago recent) photo of the boys sitting side-by-side...

I often see the resemblance of Adam in Hudson. And now that I've seen younger photos of Eric, I can see a resemblance of him in Brayden. Funny! Still, Brayden looks 100% like Tommy and people say Hudson looks like me.

Just thought I would share this revelation with you all!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter 2011

Tommy, Hudson, Brayden, Titus, and I went to Knoxville for three days to celebrate Easter with the family. We all had a great time. The boys are taking the 2.5 hour drive much better (now that they are finally comfortable in their convertible car seats). They now sleep most of the way and when they are awake they spend the time looking out the windows or dancing in their car seats. It's pretty cute.

I took about 600 photos in those three days. You can never take too many photos! They grow up so fast (and time passes too fast) that I don't want to miss anything. I've created a slideshow of only 56 photos (only their mom and dad can look through 600 pictures). Enjoy!

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Makeover Time!

I haven't had my hair cut or colored in almost 6 months (which is pretty typical for me). My hairstylist just laughs at me and always says "see ya in 6 months!" She recommends I get my hair trimmed and touched up every 6-8 weeks...but she knows I won't.

So, I finally have an appointment to see her tomorrow morning. I'm ready for a change but I can't seem to decide what to do to my hair. If it was up to my husband, I would keep my hair really long, have it dyed platinum blond, and always straighten my hair every morning. I told him I'm not one of Hugh Hufner's girlfriends.

Anyways, I'm not sure how crazy I'm willing to go. I've had pink streaks in my blond hair once and had red hair for a few months as well. Both were fun for awhile but I always seem to go back to my natural hair color (blond). So I was thinking bangs (although Tommy would kill me) cause they grow back quickly if you end up not liking them. Also thinking of chopping off all my hair to shoulder length (which is about the shortest I'm ever going to be willing to go...sorry).

So here's where you come in. I've gone online and did one of those celebrity hairstyle makeover things and posted the photos here for your enjoyment. I chose different lengths, colors, curly, straight, bangs, no bangs...whatever I thought looked OK.

Let me know what you think of the styles I picked. I need to decide by tonight what I'm going to do. And if you can figure out whose celebrity hair style I'm wearing in the photos below, I'll send you a surprise! Have fun!

Similar style I have right now just with waves and in red.
Brown with bangs. I kinda like the brown but I don't think I would color my hair so dark. Just fyi.
Shoulder length with curls.
Long with curls.
Just about exactly what I have now although this color is a bit lighter.
Short, dirty blond with waves.
Long, reddish, with side-swept bangs.
Mid-length, light brown with waves.
I kinda messed this one up. It's shorter on one side than the other. Short, and bright red.
Streaky blond with side-swept bangs.
Auburn and long with waves.
Similar to option 11, just not as wavy...I guess.
I kinda messed this one up too. Shoulder length, side-swept bangs, and waves.

Blond, straight, and shoulder length.
Bright red, mid-length, bangs, and waves.
Messy rocker. Ha!
Long, blond, straight, with bangs.
Red, shoulder length, side swept bangs, waves.
What do you think? Now I didn't pick these based on hair color. I picked based on hair length and style. So don't think whichever option you or I pick means I'm going with that hair color. Just saying... ;)

Wordless Wednesday

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood...

Ahhh...I'm beginning to love spending time at the park! With weather like we've had the past couple of days, how could you not!?

Pinkerton Park is an awesome park with a couple different playgrounds for children of different ages. It also has a one mile walking trail and huge grassy areas for people to lay out in the sun and fly kites (which I've seen ton of). The best part is the park is only three miles from our house! Tommy had the morning and afternoon off today so we took the boys there for some good ol' quality outdoor playtime. Here are some photos we took...

The Dog Days of Summer

OK, I know it's not summer (not even close) but it's been a beautiful and warm day today. Tommy and I took the boys to the park for some time to enjoy the sunshine and burn off some energy. I actually got some decent photos this time since Tommy came along. I'll be posting some of those photos later.

After we got home the boys were pretty hot from the sun so I filled up their picnic table with water so they could play with their sailboats. Well, they quickly threw the boats out and here's what followed...

Yea, they decided to play in the water. I should have known. They LOVE the water! They were soaking wet all the way through to their socks. They had a blast though so it was worth it.