Thursday, March 31, 2011

Getting the "Evil Eye"

I'm getting anxious just reliving yesterday's lunch out.

Tommy and I don't bring the boys out to eat very often. There are a few reasons for that. The main reason is that it can get pretty expensive. But for me, it's more about the attention we get when we go out and how the boys are going to act.

I'm terrified of the boys having a tantrum at a restaurant. So far they haven't but I'm sure it's going to happen at some point.

Tommy and I brought the boys to Panera Bread for lunch yesterday. Bad choice. I forgot how quiet it can be inside. People are busy having quite conversations, meetings, working on their laptops, and reading. I was instantly nervous once we sat down. And the only table available was in the middle of the place. Their tables aren't very big either. I had my salad in front on me then had Brayden's plate on top of my salad. Tommy had the same thing going on in front of him. We can't put the boys' plates in front of them. They would push the plates on the floor or grab all the food off the plate then throw the food on the floor. Ahhh!

They do the same thing with their sippy cups. They'll take a drink then chuck the cup on the floor. So we keep their sippy cups in front of us too and hold the cups for them while they drink.

Lets just say we attract a lot of attention when we go out to eat. I feel like an exhibit at a zoo! Some of the attention is good. People will smile and wave to the boys. They will start a conversation with us about twins. Or they will give us a sympathetic look like they know what we are going through.

Then we get the looks from people who think we are a nuisance and should not be allowed in the restaurant. They give us that "I can't believe they brought their kids in here" look. If Hudson or Brayden laugh or giggle too loud they turn around and give us the "evil eye". It drives me nuts and makes me nervous. I'm not a confrontational person so I get really anxious so I just want to hurry and eat so we can get out of there.

That's what Tommy and I did at Panera Bread yesterday. We didn't even get to finish our meal! We just boxed up all our food and left. We were both exhausted once we got to our car I think because we were both so tense inside the restaurant. The thing is, the boys really didn't even misbehave. They just weren't in the mood to eat much. They wanted to get out of their highchairs and run around. We tried to give them some food and they would yell because they didn't want it. They did eat the Mac n' Cheese but once it was gone they got upset and didn't want anything else.

I don't know what else to do in these situations. They are usually fine when we go out but we never know how they are going to act and that's what makes me nervous. If they are hungry then everything usually goes well. If not, things can be a bit crazy. If we eat at a loud restaurant with a bunch of other kids around, I feel relaxed and go with the flow cause if the boys act up no one will notice.

Anyone have any tips on how to get toddlers to behave at restaurants? I need advice! I heard to ask for a table away from other people so you won't disturb them, but that' not always possible. And also to bring toys to keep your kids entertained. However toys usually work for about one minute with our boys until they end up on the dirty floor. I need more tips!!! The boys are not quite 17 months old yet.


Maryalice said...

Hey friend! I remember this so well. It gets better!! Very soon! They are at a developmental stage right now where this kind of behavior feels good and right to their little brains. It will probably start tapering off any time now.

With that said, and without knowing how you and your readers feel about this, I started using mild spanking to curb this behavior. I'm talking about a quick tap (I prefer not using my hand) on one or both of her legs on the back part. I use a mild tone of voice, always gave a warning, then I was consistent ALWAYS with the spanking. Despite the behavior being a developmental stage, I also felt that this could help teach good table manners.

Just a thought - it was the only thing that worked for me in the end - that and Abby moved on to other stuff. :)

Rebecca Tunnell said...

Hey! My husband I have started taking Eli to Wendy's and Chick Fil A (or other fast food types) These places are usually loud and have a lot going on so we try to go during off times. We use these as practice restaurants. We are working with him to stay in the highchair and eat. Also to talk to when we are waiting on our food. It is still nuts but I don't feel like I am disturbing anyone and Eli is getting practice. At their age it's so hard to get them to sit's just age. Also, I have decided that I don't care about the looks and evil eyes. My kids need to learn how to act in public and we always leave (as a punishment to Eli) if he gets out of hand. He's a little older than yours so he understands why we're leaving. It'll take time, but they'll get it.