Wednesday, April 29, 2009

9 weeks

I'm now 9 weeks into the pregnancy and things are going wonderfully. I haven't had any morning sickness - which is an answered prayer. The only symptoms I'm experiencing are: frequent urination, forgetfulness (yes that's a symptom of pregnancy), tiredness, and sleepless nights. Other than that I can't complain.

Tommy and I got to hear the heartbeat at 6 weeks and everything sounded great. It's still early but we are excited! Can't wait to find out the sex.

Here is the photo of Baby A at 9 weeks.

Here is Baby B at 9 weeks. Doctor said he/she was sleeping. I have no idea how they can tell that.

I go back to the doctor on May 11 (11 weeks) for another check-up. Pray that things continue progressing normally and that there are no complications.

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