Monday, March 21, 2011

Boy, Have We Been Busy!

Yep...we're still alive and well. Actually, we're great! Why? Because as of yesterday, the boys are now free to roam the downstairs of our house!!! First time in eight months!! And they L.O.V.E it!

That's one of the reasons why I haven't blogged in so long. We've spent a lot of time working on the house (what's new?). Spent most of the weekend finally putting all the tools/paint/equipment that was spread throughout our house back in the garage. And we are pretty much finished with the entry hallway too! Just needs one more coat of paint on the walls and I need to touch up the crown molding. We still have bare plywood floors everywhere but I have good news. We ordered our flooring a few weeks ago! It should be ready for pick-up by the end of the month. excited to finally get the downstairs COMPLETELY finished so I can start decorating! Then we'll probably take about six months off before we start working on the upstairs. Tommy and I are pretty tired of home remodeling. It gets old pretty fast. However, we'll probably fence in our backyard next. I'll post before and after pictures of the house once we get the flooring installed. Better to surprise you then. ;)

We've also been spending a lot of time outdoors since the weather has been so warm. Lots of trips to the park, playing on our deck and running around our backyard. The boys love to run around the yard (hence the need to fence it in). Our next-door neighbors are building a huge detached garage, so Hudson keeps running over to "play" in the holes and with all the electrical wires and pipes. Ahhh...boys will be boys!

Here are some pics of the boys playing on our deck...and spying on the neighbors next door.

Hudson haming it up for the camera. And Titus' butt.

Hudson playing with a stick he found.

Brayden playing with a noodle he found in the neighbor's backyard and Hudson watchin' (don't worry, I asked the neighbor if the noodle was theirs. It wasn't. So now it's ours.)

Brayden coming to hit me with his noodle.

Hudson holding a twig incorrectly. Brayden watchin'.

Brayden hitting his brother with the noodle. Payback for being bigger than he is.

Just try to take that noodle from him.

Brayden "thinking" about testing me.

Hudson testing me. One second after this photo was taken I yelled at him to get off the table. He laughed at me. FAIL.
Did you notice the pacifiers? Brayden has three teeth coming through at the same time and the paci helps him. Hudson has a paci too because he kept taking Brayden's. Pesky brother. So I gave him one too. I'm just making it harder on myself for when it's time to take them away completely.

With all the warm weather, sunshine, and rain it was time to mow the lawn for the first time this year. And by "time" I mean it was Tommy's time to get out there and do it. Here is H and B watching daddy mow the backyard while eating dinner. I hope they're taking notes. ;)

Peek-a-boo!! They caught me.
 That's all for now. I hear Hudson yelling "momma" over and over again on the baby monitor. Better get dinner ready.

I'll try to get in the groove of blogging again. :) Until next time. E

1 comment:

Matriarch said...

Elizabeth, I am so happy to see the pictures of the boys. They are growing so nicely. Enjoy the time because they grow up so quickly. Give them a hug and kiss from their Great-Aunt.