Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Family Resemblance

I was going through old photographs the other day. Not because I was organizing the photos (although I should have been) but because I often like to look back at past events and times in my life and in my families lives.

I came across a few photos that reminded me of two little guys in my life.

The two boys in the photos above are my older brothers, Adam and Eric. Although they are 22 months apart, they were often mistaken for fraternal twins during a period in their lives. Adam is the older one with light blond hair, and Eric the younger one with the slightly darker blond hair (although Eric is now a brunette). Adam was always bigger than Eric but eventually Eric caught up and surpassed him. Hudson is the bigger blond and Brayden the smaller brunette (just like Eric and Adam), although so far Brayden hasn't caught up in weight or height...and his hair is lightening. But maybe someday.

The first photo above is what struck a cord with me the most. Eric is smiling with his mouth open (just how Brayden smiles) and Adam is smiling with all his teeth showing (just how Hudson smiles).

I don't know how my parents were able to get good photos of them standing side-by-side. I have trouble. I was trying to find a photo of Hudson and Brayden in similar poses to compare but I was unsuccessful. So here is a recent (about 3 days ago recent) photo of the boys sitting side-by-side...

I often see the resemblance of Adam in Hudson. And now that I've seen younger photos of Eric, I can see a resemblance of him in Brayden. Funny! Still, Brayden looks 100% like Tommy and people say Hudson looks like me.

Just thought I would share this revelation with you all!

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