Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Where there's smoke...

...there's fire.

I'm sure you've heard that expression. Well, I kinda got to experience it first-hand today. But thankfully not quite so literally.

While I was collecting all the trash around the house to put it in the trashcan so it can be pick-up tomorrow morning, the boys were playing downstairs and on the deck. Then I went to the porch to breakdown a bunch of boxes to put by the curb as well. When I got back into the house I caught a glimpse at Brayden and...OH LORD...where there is smoke there is fire!

Brayden was COVERED in black soot! I quickly ran to our fireplace in the dinning room and saw nothing had changed. So I ran to the fireplace in our living room and that's when I saw it...Hudson was pulling old burnt logs out and smearing them all over the floor. I never knew we had any old logs in there before. My mistake.

Apparently they were trying to eat the logs as well. Here are some photos for your enjoyment. I didn't enjoy it quite so much. The photos need no explanation.

I then quickly got them undressed, in the bathtub, washed, dried, diapered, dressed, and in their cribs for a nap. Whew! I'm exhausted!

You would think I would have learned my lesson by now. Whenever they are REALLY quiet, they are usually up to no good. Lesson learned. If there was one good thing about the whole situation (if I was forced to think of one) it would be the fact that the flooring is still bare plywood and all our furniture is still piled up in the corner of one room. Thankfully there isn't much to really mess up...besides my dignity. I'm off to clean the fireplace and wipe up my self-esteem.

1 comment:

Margaret Meek said...

I enjoy your diary about your life.