Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Favorites

Welcome to another edition of my Friday Favorites! Well, really it's only my second edition (you can read the first edition here). But whatever.

Let's proceed shall we?

1. Bar Keepers Friend
This stuff works wonders on stainless steel pots and pans. Do you ever get that brownish film left over from Pam spray even after washing? Well, this stuff takes it off really easily. It's amazing! Plus it just polishes up your pots and pans making them look like new.r

2. Dove Beauty Bars
I love these bars. They are really moisturizing and they don't dry out your skin like regular soap. Plus they are pretty inexpensive. I always get the ones for sensitive skin.

3. Uggs
Yea, yea, yea...I know a lot of people despise these boots but I just don't care. They are the softest and most comfortable boots out there. They may not be the most attractive boots but I think they can look adorable with a pair of skinny jeans and an over-sized sweater or tunic. Or with a pair of pajamas as you get your mail in the middle of the afternoon. No, I've never done that before...

4. Nikon D90
I love my camera. I'm still learning a lot about it. There are so many setting it's going to take me forever to fully understand and use all of it's capabilities. I highly recommend this camera to anyone looking on the market. It's worth the price.

A friend of mine got me hooked on these YouTube makeup tutorials by two British sisters. They are expert makeup artists and they show you step-by-step how to create some really cool looks. Some are not wearable everyday and some are just for fun. Check them out here.

6. Homemade Baby Wipes

These are so much cheaper than purchasing them from a store. Plus, they clean better and are more delicate for baby's sensitive skin. You can find many recipes online but they are pretty close to this one above.

7. Hobby Lobby
I am obsessed with this store (Michaels Arts and Crafts too). I always find tons of stuff for the house and get lots of ideas for craft projects here. It's not good for my pocketbook but awesome for my creativity.

8. L'Oreal Voluminous Original Mascara
I can't say enough about this mascara. It's just the best! I've tried so many kinds and I always seem to keep going back to this one. It lengthens, thickens, darkens really well and it's so affordable. You can't beat it.

9. Electric toothbrushes

Dude, I don't care what kind of electric toothbrush I use, I'll just never go back to a manual one again. I've tried when I've traveled and forgotten to bring mine so I purchased a cheap manual toothbrush at a drug store...ugh. It's just not the same. The one above is what I use (Oral-B CrossAction).

10. WeatherTech FloorLiners
And a course one for the guys. I love these floor mats! They aren't cheap but they will last a lifetime, or for at least the lifetime of your car. I have them in my Yukon XL and they are great on rainy, snowy, or muddy days. I just take them out of the car and hose them down. They make my old car look like new again!

1 comment:

Kaylan said...

Ummm...I'm so on board with you about almost every one of these things. PIXIWOO and HOBBY LOBBY FOREVER! :-)