Sunday, September 11, 2011

Serenity Sundays


My Child,

Where can you run, except to Me? You go here and there, to this one and that one. You seek answers. You try solutions, and in the end, you come to Me. When will you learn to begin with Me?

When you face a mountain, don't exhaust all human solutions and then finally turn to Me. Come to Me first! How I wish you'd give Me first consideration in all that you do! How I wish you'd consult Me first instead of last!

I am your God, your Father. I care for you, and I am ready to help you in every life situation you encounter.

Are your burdens too heavy? Are your cares too numerous? Then cast them on Me. I will carry them for you.

Are you in a state of confusion as to what to do, when to do it, and how to do it? Then come to Me. Ask Me, and I will give you peace. Ask Me, and I will give you wisdom.

Are things causing you problems? Is your car not working? I can help you. I can lead you to people who know how to fix cars, boats, houses, etc.

Are people causing you concern? I can give you favor with people.

Are you your own problem? Are you talking too much about your circumstances and not looking to Me? Are you wavering to and fro? Are you accepting defect by not even considering victory? Are you simply doing nothing and letting the winds of life toss you to and fro?

If you are under the circumstances instead of on top of them, if you're defeated instead of victorious, if you are depressed by your life, then you need to run back to the Source of light and life. You need to run to Me and not from Me.

Why do you insist on doing things on your own? Why do you let Satan tell you that you are now mature enough to solve your own problems?

Why do you feel inadequate because you have to depend on Me? Do you think you will ever outgrow your need of Me? Do you think you'll ever get to the place where you can e self-sufficient? Believe me, you never will, for I am the Source of everything you need.

Just as you cannot possibly store a lifetime of food and provisions, you can never come to Me just once and never need to come back again.

You can never store enough provisions from Me to last forever! You must keep coming to Me for fresh spiritual food, fresh joy, and fresh daily strength, for that is how I created you.

Love, God

written by Bonnie G. Schluter
Love Letters from GOD
Affirmations for Your Soul

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