Thursday, September 9, 2010

Days 5-9

OK…so I’ve missed a few postings. I said it would happen. I’ve been busy the last few days and haven’t had time to post. Tommy and I took the boys to the park today. Here are a few pictures.

And here are a few from a couple days ago. I LOVE these boys! They bring me such joy and love!

Anyways, the good news is that I’m still going strong on the diet! YAY! Haven’t cheated but I’ve been tempted while shopping at the grocery store. I so wanted to buy a Reese’s Cup yesterday while checking out. I was determined not to give in! They were calling my name! I’m stronger than I thought.

I hope to start walking again since the weather hasn’t been so hot in the mornings. Our new neighborhood is small but it’s attached to this HUGE one and I’m afraid I’ll get lost on my walk. I have no idea where the roads lead. I guess I’ll have to print out a Google map before I attempt the journey.

Oh, and a funny thing…I was curious if I’ve lost any weight doing on this diet so far. The book talks about how people can lose 7-10 lbs the first week. Well, it’s day 9 and I’ve lost ZERO lbs. Ha ha!!! Again, it’s not my goal to lose weight but I was just curious. Funny, my body must be responding in a different way. I’ll let you know if I ever find out which way that is.


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