Monday, November 15, 2010

It’s a Miracle!!

First let me say that Hudson and Brayden are great sleepers. They have been sleeping through the night since they were 6 weeks old—thanks to a strict routine/schedule, the Miracle Blanket (AMAZING AMAZING! Everyone must have one), and being the son’s of Thomas Hitch—who is also an awesome sleeper. The only time they don’t sleep through the night is when they are sick and still that’s pretty rare. Brayden just got sick for the FIRST TIME!! He just turned one and just now got sick! I think he got my immune system because I also never get sick. Hudson has only had a fever twice in a year too. I’ve got two healthy boys!

OK, back to the point of this post. Since the time change the boys have been waking up around 6:30 am. They used to wake up around 7:30 am. Momma hasn’t liked that. I’ve wanted to buy some blackout curtains for their room since they were born but I kept forgetting about it since they always slept so well. So, since they’ve been waking so early I thought to give them a try. I purchased them at Target. They had a few different colors. I first picked out a taupe but when I put them up against the window, they didn’t block enough light. So I returned them and got black instead. I figured get the darkest color and they will block the most light. I was right!

I put them up last night—and I say that loosely. Tommy has been working a lot and hasn’t had time to install the curtain rod so I just slung them over the rod holding the valance. I hope this is just temporary. ;)

They are not the most attractive looking curtains—I wouldn’t put them in every room—but they are great in a nursery. I’d recommend them to anyone trying to get their child to sleep better.

And guess what? The boys sleep till 9 am!! And I had to go in their room and wake them up! Who knows how long they would have slept! I didn’t want to throw their schedule completely out of whack cause they are supposed to take a nap at 10:30 am. Now I’m going to have to adjust their nap schedule but that’s OK. It’s worth it! I think the person who invented the blackout curtain is a genius!

I pray they sleep in tomorrow too! I’ll let you know.


Jamie said...

I love blackout curtains too! if you are a sewer you can also buy the black out fabric at any fabric store and add the lining to any style of curtain. Brewer has had them in his nursery since birth and has been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks. But like you said a lot of that has to do with a strict scheduling too;)

Angela said...

OK, I need more info on this Miracle Blanket thing! They didn't have these when the girls were born and who knows what this next baby will be like :)
BTW, don't know how my identity will show up, but this is Tommy's cousin Angela.

Elizabeth said...

Angela, go to to learn about it. I have a friend with triplets who gave me two of hers when they outgrew them. They truly work! They are kinda pricey for just some cloth but soooo worth it!!