Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Puppy And A Cow Go Trick-r-Treating

Mooooo and ruff ruff!! Brayden and Hudson had a great time trick-r-treating on Halloween 2010. First, I have to mention that I really wanted to dress them as superheroes. Batman and Superman to the rescue! Well, I couldn’t find those costumes in their size—at least in the price range I was willing to spend. So we went “down on the farm.”
Here’s the cute puppy Hudson.
Here’s the fat cow Brayden.
Tommy had to hold B's hands for awhile. He kept trying to take the hood off. Eventually he forgot about it.
We first took a few pictures of them in the wagon in the backyard.
Don't they look excited? ;)
Then Tommy had to finish watching the Titans game so we went back inside. Once it was over, off we went! Our neighborhood is attached to a huge neighborhood that goes all out for Halloween. I’m not saying that lightly. People come from all over Nashville to trick-r-treat here. We had to have passed a hundred people while we were walking around. One house was giving out Jell-O shooters to the adults. If any cops are reading this, don’t worry, they were carding people. A bunch of homes even had projection screens in their front yards showing movies. It was pretty cool. Hudson and Brayden loved watching all the weirdos out there. They like to people watch lust like mom and dad.

They started to get pretty confident in the wagon so they decided to try to stand up. Yep, they were surfing. I had to keep sitting them back down. Here’s the only photo I got while this was happening.
I finally just let Hudson walk himself—but he found a solar sidewalk lamp and decided to stop and stare at it awhile. Tommy had to pick him up or we would have slept there all night.
Once we got back home I let them play awhile in their costumes until they got overheated.
Have you heard the joke about the cow riding a horse? It's a funny one.
I think it was a great first Halloween experience! Can’t wait to be superheroes next year!! ;)

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