Friday, December 17, 2010

The Difference Between Hudson & Brayden

Most twins are pretty similar. Well not in my case. Hudson and Brayden couldn't be more differentI guess it's a good thing they are fraternal twins. Yes they are similar in a few ways but they are mostly  different (I think I already said that).

When I'm out and about people always ask me if they are twins. I always want to say "no, they are similar looking strangers" or "I don't know. I stole them from a woman in the parking lot."

Yes, Hudson is quite bigger than Brayden so it makes him look older, but seriously people, I couldn't have given birth to two kids this close together. It's physically impossible! One woman actually asked me if I was their nanny. I just laughed at her.

So, just how different are they? I'll tell you.

Let's start with their physical differences:
Hudson: blond hair | Brayden: brown hair
Hudson: blue eyes | Brayden: brown eyes
Hudson: fair skin (sorry little dude. You got that from momma) | Brayden: more olive skin (lucky punk!)
Hudson: tall for a 1-year-old | Brayden: short for a 1-year old (however the doc said he'll most likely catch up)
Hudson: weighs 2 lbs. more | Brayden: weighs 2 lbs. less (duh!)
Hudson: right-handed | Brayden: left-handed

Non-physical differences:
Hudson: picky eater | Brayden: usually eats anything you give him
Hudson: reserved | Brayden: outgoing
Hudson: a thinker | Brayden: jumps right in without thinking
Hudson: analytical | Brayden: illogical
Hudson: cautious | Brayden: not as cautious
Hudson: energetic | Brayden: calm and laid-back
Hudson: serious | Brayden: comedian

Now why did I just tell you why they are so different? Because it's so darn COOL! I love that they are so unalike. That way I can never treat them as the same individual, which I've heard can be a problem with having multiples. I never refer to them as "the twins" and I rarely ever dress them alike. They will never be able to play tricks on people making them think they are their brother. That would be funny if they tried though. I could see it now...  

ha ha ha ha!

I'm so happy God gave me two completely different kids. I always say that they are just brothers born at the same time!

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