Sunday, December 5, 2010


I’m starting to wean the boys off pacifiers (all 11 of them). Well…mainly Brayden. That boy was born with a pacifier in his mouth. Hudson likes them but doesn’t love them. Neither of them sucks their thumb so I hope this will be easy to break.
What made me decide it was time was when I noticed Brayden not using them as much during the day. The five pacifiers we keep in the playroom were all at the bottom of the toy chest and he seemed fine with that. He wasn’t searching them out. He used to be able to find one like a needle in a haystack. If he were crying, I would search the playroom for 10 minutes trying to find one. Then I’d give up and tell Brayden to get his paci—and sure enough, he’d walk around and find one in 15 seconds or less. So the other day I straightened up the playroom and took all five pacifiers out.
Now I’m still allowing them to have a pacifier during naptime and at night (they each have two in their crib). I don’t think Brayden would be able to fall asleep without one. Hudson, he doesn’t care one way or the other. He’ll take one though.
I still have a pacifier attached to each of their car seats for when we go out in public and they start to cry. They both like to suck on them and people watch. It’s kind of funny. I’ll be getting rid of these pacifiers next. Wish me luck!

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